Thursday, July 23, 2009

Comfort Items

Do your kids have a lovey or comfort item that they carry around with them? Isabelle never really had one, but she was very attached to her pacifier. She called it "this" and kept it a little too long probably. She was about 2.5 when we took it away. Charlie never would take a pacifier. I tried every brand out there and he refused. He sucked on his two middle fingers. He still does this. I am finding it is more difficult to have one stop sucking on something they have readily available all of the time. Charlie usually only sucks on his fingers though when he has his comfort item, plastic keys. He has slept with these keys for a long time. First it was this plastic bee teething toy, but for the past year or so it is the keys.

He has had to have these keys when sleeping or napping for quite some time. Now he wants them all of the time. I don't really see a major problem with it, but it does mean that he sucks on his fingers a little more throughout the day. We used to only have one pair but now that he has become so attached to them we bought back up. Thankfully they are only $1.99

Henry hasn't really attached to anything yet. He will take his pacifier or leave it. If he doesn't have it, he sucks on his fingers. He does like to nap with a blanket against him at the sitters. At home he wears a wearable blanket which he does fine with. Who knows what if anything he will attach to. I never thought I would have one attached to plastic keys.

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